"Every wall is a poem. A poem about emptiness and the freedom from things." Gold by the Inch-Lawrence Chua
We have the freedom to take control of our life and paint our picture of what we want to consider life. Many things construct what an individual becomes or is becoming, but even then one has the ability to step back for a moment and get a hold of the paint brush. Don't let your parents, society, or your past determine who you will be.
"It's easier to describe our world in prayers than to help ourselves. But even our descriptions are flawed. Moving around in the world, it's still not visible to us. To really see the world is to be free of it."
Gold by the Inch-Lawrence Chua
My Silk Road adventure helped me remove myself from the world.
The trip was a huge turning point for me too. All the possibilities just seeing how big this place is. I'm interested in knowing in what ways it changed you, during the semester we shall talk about this in person. :)
That quote is very true!! Its not only about what we have, know and experience in our country but to see the WORLD...now that's amazing!
Sis, keep up the hard work, you're making NYA1 especially and all of LTA super proud! Love you, and I know those long hours in the newsroom are fulfilling and going to be so worthwhile in the near future!
I like your interpretation of Inch-Lawrence Chua's quote.
I would like to know how and why the Silk Road helped you remove yourself from the world.
Your loyal follower,
Hey Christine,
Great work!I am so proud of you!! Love the pictures and I can tell you had an amazing experience. I agree with you completely and I am holding on to my paintbrush.
you know how much i love quotes, I am so proud of how far you have come. I am glad you enjoyed China, the pictures look amazing. You are going to be an amazing journalist one day.
"Hard work + opportunity = success"
This trip was taken two years ago and I still feel so strongly about it. It changed my life because I removed myself from the "world," the so-called world we live in America, especially in New York City. Life is so hectic in New York. We are all constantly moving without taking a step back to enjoy our accomplishments and for once stop and really feel and enjoy the simple things in life- like seeing the process of a flower blooming. In New York, life is all about the end result and how you get there does not matter, as long as you get the work done. But to get to the end of anything one most encounter many things to get there and if we took some time to appreciate the struggles and constant ups and downs of life we might all be happier people with more realistic expectations out of life. Perhaps, with even less debts. We would buy what we need vs what we want. Removing myself from the world in order to find peace within the world is still a work in progress. I am working on finding the right balance.
Christine L
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